Who Invented Science?

Science is a branch of knowledge and study which describes things in the physical world. Science can be applied to daily life style to help us, or even for fun tricks. In our modern day civilization, science plays a crucial role in construction, developement and making life better for all. But who invented science? Let us answer this question here.

Science was not invented by one single person. This is because science diverges into three different brances. They Are:
1. Biology: Study of all living things.
2. Physics: Study of objects around us, and how they behave.
3. Chemistry: Study of substances around us, how they behave and react with others, their microscopic structure, which is of atoms and molecoules. There were several people involved in the making and development of these branches, most famously Issac Newton, who made strides in
physics, and prepared the subject for us to understand.

First, let us talk about Biology. Biology is the scientific study of life, encompassing everything from biomolecules and cells to organisms and populations. It explores heredity, evolution, energy processing and internal regulation.

Some of the most important people in the discovery of concepts in Biology are:
  • Robert Hooke: Discovered dead cells in a peice of cork in 1665.

Still under construction!


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